Creating a Wapka Project

The process of Wapka Project Creation is very easy.

Make sure you have active wapka account or just go to and create new account.

Now login to your wapka account and go to Create New Project option.

Now you will see input box asking you to provide name for your project here you have to give a unique name and check if it is available. Name Must be 4-20 char long only a..z 0..9 – is allowed.

Search for available domain name select one of many option then select your preferred plan for starting you can go with free package.

As wapka provide starter plan completely free for all user. You will be able to create Five Project for free of any cost.

Free Plan Comes with 100 GB of cloud storage and 10 MB Memory Limit For Script Execution.

Once the project has been created, you will be able to access Control Panel and Control Everything.


If you would like a head start when developing your Wapka application, consider using one of our starter kits. Wapka’s starter kits provide backend and frontend authentication scaffolding for your new Wapka application.
To Speed Up Process You can go to Control Panel -> Themes and Install a themes and configure themes for instant Development.
And Your Site is ready to roll.

Next Steps

Now that you have created your First project, you may be wondering what to learn next. First, we strongly recommend becoming familiar with how Wapka works by reading the following documentation:

How you want to use Wapka will also dictate the next steps on your journey. There are a variety of ways to use Wapka, and we’ll explore two primary use cases for the framework below.

Wapka as Content Management System

Wapka may serve as a full stack framework. By “full stack” framework we mean that you are going to use Wapka to route requests to your application and render your frontend via Blade templates or a single-page application hybrid technology like Inertia. This is the most common way to use the Laravel framework, and, in our opinion, the most productive way to use Laravel.

Wapka as Reverse Proxy Server

Laravel may also serve as an API backend to a JavaScript single-page application or mobile application. For example, you might use Laravel as an API backend for your Next.js application. In this context, you may use Laravel to provide authentication and data storage / retrieval for your application, while also taking advantage of Laravel’s powerful services such as queues, emails, notifications, and more.

If this is how you plan to use Laravel, you may want to check out our documentation on routing, Laravel Sanctum, and the Eloquent ORM.