Advance Function

IFSET – Check if data not empty.
IFNOT – Check if data empty.
IFEQ – If equal.
IFNE – If not equal
IFGE – If getter then or equal to
IFLE – If less then or equal.
IFIN – Chech if data data exist. Usage: #%VALUE(one, two, three)@IFIN(“two”)@THEN(2 found)%#
Or value exist #%VALUE(one)@IFIN([“one”, “two”, “three”])@THEN(Ok)%#
IFMATCH – If PCRE regex pattern matched.
IFLIKE – check if two value similar. #%VALUE(TeSt)@IFLIKE(test)@THEN(Same data)%#
THEN – If condition is true then show this
OR – Optional condition check
ELSE – If condition is false then show this
#%VAR(name)@OR(variable not set)%#
#%IFSET(%name%)@THEN(Name – %name%)@ELSE(empty)%#
#%VALUE(12345)@IFEQ(12345)@THEN(both equal)@ELSE(error)%#
#%IFNOT(%id%)@OR.IFNOT.VAR(test)@OR.IFNOT(%var%)@THEN(one or more error)@ELSE(ok)%#
#%POST(pin)@IFNE(12345)@VALUE(data not match)@SET(error)@ELSE.VALUE(success)%#
You can make more complex condition.
ADD – to concate two value. #%VALUE(one)@ADD(two)%# => one two
APPEND – add value at the start of other value.#%VALUE(one)@APPEND(two )%# => two one
DATA – get data from other function. Usage – #%DATA(#VAR(test)# #GET(it)# #POST(data)#)%#
GOTO – To redirect user from one page to another use this function. Example – #%GOTO(/index.php)%# redirect to home page